A4 Sounds Gallery

bright red heading EXHIBITION Lydia Mac Bride

13-29 OCTOBER 2022

PHOTOGRAPHY : by Kate Bowen



‘An Tionscadal Dromchla Exhibition 00’ offers the first public view into Lydia’s long term story-telling and world-building project. Consisting of 5 short stories and a gallery show, the collection explores relinquishing your physical self and achieving transcendence, the sabotage of a research experiment, the intimacy of transition, what we leave behind on monolithic server racks and the disappearance of a suburb.

‘An Tionscadal Dromchla Exhibition 00’ is in four parts, a gallery exhibition, a series of 5 publications, an album and a digitial experience.



An Tionscadal Dromchla Digital Exhibition is an immersive odyssey designed to transcend the boundaries of time and space, inviting visitors to traverse the epochs. Guided by the artist's audio art, this ephemeral experience unfolds delicately, with the text materializing and dissipating at the gentle guidance of the mouse.

Embarking on each narrative is akin to a temporal journey, each story a unique voyage into a distinct era. As the artist's audio art encapsulates the essence of each narrative, the guidance ensures undivided attention to the presented tale, while surrounding text seamlessly dissolves into a serene white noise.

This digital exhibition transforms into a sensorial voyage where the boundaries between eras blur, and the audience is entranced by the transient beauty of each fleeting story, accentuated by the auditory tapestry crafted by the artist.

( exhibition websites are kept live by A4 Sounds Studio for a period of 1 year, it is possible that live link is no longer active)




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