Aifric Prior Beliere is a recent graduate of Fine Art from TUDublin. She utilises a multi-disciplinary practice to explore themes related to socio-technological relationships and the impact this has on world-making. Recent exhibitions include Corona Concept Gallery ‘Place Holding Space’ 2020 curated by Jobst Graeve and TU Dublin Graduate Exhibition 2021. She was recently awarded the Fire Station Graduate Residency Award.
Aifric is the recipient of our We Only Want the Earth TU Dublin Graduate Award 2021.
AKUMA follows a young artist and her daemon as they prepare to take part in a space mission. The film utilises cinematic and artistic tropes to discuss broader concerns related to the role of contemporary arts practice in society and the role of relationships and narratives in our agency.
Light acts as the most fundamental device to form this work, both materially and ideologically, as the viewer follows Akuma’s trajectory towards spaceflight. By warping familiar imagery and archetypal narratives, this work explores the concept of a supposed linear progress of evolution and the disparate knowledges within. The video enacts various fascinations towards and dependencies on light, including the idea of ascension, projection, illumination and growth. These facets of evolution have been instrumental in humans’ plans to colonise other planets and the western phenomenon of progress under individualism. AKUMA’s story reveals the fallibility and inter-reliance involved in any journey on Earth and beyond.
blue scarf on red bed
Aifric uses painting to create scenes of simultaneous reflection and display wherein characters or scenes are both active within themselves and to a viewer. Blue Scarf on Red Bed contains a young woman laying with an ambivalent expression in a pose familiar within the tradition of painting. It is painted in tones of red which is the most difficult colour for a camera to accurately reproduce.
Blue Scarf on Red Bed / 2020 / Oil on canvas / 40 x 30 cm
space holding place
Space Holding Place is an unedited series of digital photographs of the inside of a projector. The images the projector displayed at the time it was photographed were all previously taken by the artist. In this way the images become a warped version of their original self and a cycle of reproduction and display is inverted to be displayed again.