A4 Sounds Gallery

05 - 08 MAY 2022



IMPILO (LIFE) is an audio visual work produced by Mark Sebata on residency as part of our We Only Want the Earth Programme. The work comprises a 6 chapter film work and album. Working through RnB, Hip Hop, Soul Jazz, and AfroPop and drawing on Southern African and Irish influences. IMPILO explores social, cultural, economic, and political aspects of life. Through song and visuals Mark aims to tell stories that move between the personal and the universal human experience.



Mark's digital exhibition platform seamlessly mirrors the nuanced aesthetics of his artwork, encapsulating a raw and low-fi essence. Highlighting captivating stills extracted from his evocative video piece; the main feature of the website, complemented by an album conceived during his residency programme. Beyond a mere display, the website serves as Mark's inaugural commercial and professional hub, strategically connecting with his audience.

Navigating through this digital realm, visitors encounter not only links to live events and gallery exhibitions but also a sophisticated commercial section.

Mark's digital exhibition transcends the ordinary, seamlessly blending the realms of artistry and professionalism, inviting audiences to immerse themselves in his distinctive creative narrative.

( exhibition websites are kept live by A4 Sounds Studio for a period of 1 year, it is possible that live link is no longer active)



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