Position One


Video, 7:10 mins

The Meisner Technique is a series of training exercises developed by Sanford Meisner, which develop an actor’s connection with their emotions and impulses. The activities in this context are primarily centered on the technique of repetition, requiring the actors to read and respond to each other’s emotional cues.

This piece draws a comparison between the emotional limitations of AI and the mechanical nature of repetition, using artificial intelligence avatars that are created using real actors’ images and voices, who lease them to video platforms.

Source Materials:

Frankhauser, D. (2021) 2nd stage repetition- developing a point of view, Houde School of Acting.Houde School of Acting. Available at: https://www.houdeschoolofacting.com/blog/2nd-stage-repetition-developing-a-point-of-view-krr5z-pf9wl

(Accessed: March 2, 2023).

Jarrett, J. (2021) What is the Meisner technique: The repetition exercise (part 2), What is The Meisner Technique: The Repetition Exercise (Part 2). The Meisner Technique Studio. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH6ROnevX6I

(Accessed: March 2, 2023).

Meisner, S. and Longwell, D. (1990) Sanford Meisner on acting. New York: Vintage Books.

Silverberg, L. (1994) The Sanford Meisner Approach: Workbook I: An Actor's Workbook . Hanover,NH: Smith and Kraus.

Silverberg, L. (1997) The Sanford Meisner Approach: Workbook II : Emotional Freedom. Hanover,NH: Smith and Kraus.

Westbrook, M. (no date) Repetition for beginners, Acting Coach Scotland. Available at:https://actingcoachscotland.co.uk/blog/repetition-beginners/

(Accessed: February 2, 2023).

Michelle Doyle is an artist and musician based in Ireland, working through sound, performance and moving image. Her work is concerned with politics, technology and ecology. She uses automatic writing as part of her practice; including collected data, manifestos and other written ephemera in order to create new work.

Doyle is a resident artist in Fire Station Studios in Dublin and is supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.


Andy Wilson